Rio Grande Cancer Foundation

Local Support Groups

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Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
Rio Grande Cancer Foundation

Local Support Groups

If you are facing a major illness or stressful life change, you don’t have to go it alone. A support group can help. The Rio Grande Cancer Foundation works in partnership with providers to host groups where people can share personal experiences and feelings, chronic medical conditions, bereavement or caregiving. There is no cost to attend these groups, however, reservations are requested.

Young Women’s Support Group

Are you looking for emotional guidance and support from other women your age? We have created a special group tailed to women 50 years old and younger.Target audience are those diagnosed with breast or ovarian cancer.

Organizers: Nancy “Charlie” Swopes, Rachel Schaeffer Barraza

Meeting locations: RGCF classroom, 616 N. Virginia, Suite D

Meeting times: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. 4th Tuesday of the month

Contact: Charlie Swopes (915) 577-7186; Rachel Barraza (915) 373-6115


Chia’s Silver Lining

Chia's Silver Lining

A wellness and educational forum, the group is brought together by the misadventure that is cancer. Chia’s Silver Lining brings cancer survivors together to listen and talk, teach and learn, and most importantly to enjoy each other.Powerful things happen when people come together. By connecting, we change each other’s lives. We are each others Silver Lining.

Organizers: Chia Wollslager

Meeting locations: various locations throughout the community

Meeting times/dates:

Contact: Chia Wollschlager, (915) 203-0808



Faith and Grief

Faith & Grief - El Paso

If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, you are invited to a Faith & Grief lunch to be strengthened by food, inspiration, prayer and conversation with others who understand.People of all faiths are welcome.

Organizers: Katherine Norvell, Carlos Clugy-Soto, Pete McMillan, Karen Sutton

Meeting locations: First Presbyterian Church, 1340 Murchison Drive

Meeting times/dates: 2nd Wednesday of each month at 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.


Contact: (469) 251-9612 or RGCF (915) 562-7660 X 304


Wellness from Within

Osher lifelong Learning Institute

In partnership with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UTEP (OLLI), Wellness from Within is a series of six two-hour workshops centering on the health and wellness of mind, body and spirit. Topics to be explored include understanding and managing stress, recognizing natural creativity, the power of words, balancing caregiving and self-care, creating our best reality, and establishing healthy boundaries. Each stand-alone workshops include lively discussion, brief meditation, informative handouts, writing and reading aloud.

Organizers: Rio Grande Cancer Foundation and OLLI

Meeting Locations: Rio Grande Cancer Foundation, 616 N. Virginia

Meeting times/date: Saturday mornings; 10 a.m. – 12:00 noon (various dates)

Contact: Lynn Provenzano, (915) 747-6374 or (915) 449-0619,
Rio Grande Cancer Foundation (915) 562-7660 x 304,
Monica Gomez (915) 491-8681



A 12-week workshop for cancer survivors and caregivers with various topics related to healing and survivorship.Focus on active living after cancer and includes presentations on nutrition, spirituality and survivorship dialogue, the group is available in English and in Spanish.

Organizers: Cancer & Chronic Disease Consortium

Meeting Locations: Various, throughout the city

Meeting times/dates: various

Contact: Adriana Valdes or Pat Morales, (915) 771-6305


Children’s Grief Center

Children's Grief Center

Children’s Grief Center offers grief education in a safe and caring environment to share issues of loss and help to give hope. Their services reduce the onset of serious mental health issues such as Major Depression, Anxiety Disorders and Behavioral Disorders. The goal is to help children, teens and adults reconcile their losses, thrive and move forward in a healthy manner.

Organizer: Laura Olague, Executive Director

Meeting location: 11625 Pellicano and School-based groups depending on school district being served

Meeting times: Groups are held weekly with half of families attending every other week and other half attending opposite week.


Phone Number: (915) 532-6004


JLV Memorial for Men’s Cancer Awareness

JLV Memorial Fund

JLV encourages men for Early Screening – Colonoscopy/PSA Test combined. Education for early youth awareness on Testicular Self Evaluation. Assist with flight expenses to MD Anderson & Scholarship program for Men’s Cancer Survivor family members

Organizer: Luis J. Martinez

Meeting times: Please call Mr. Martinez for dates & various locations

Phone Number: (915) 478-0024


Business Hours

Mon to Fri: 8AM - 5PM
Sat & Sun: Closed

Downtown El Paso, Texas

We are at the corner of Virginia St. & Wyoming Ave.

Rio Grande Cancer Foundation

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