Rio Grande Cancer Foundation

New Classroom Series kicks off with you in 'mind'

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Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
  Ted Escobedo   2 min read 1 year ago

New Classroom Series kicks off with you in 'mind'

Moments of stress typically begin with three thoughts:
• Something is wrong.
• There isn’t enough ____. (Money, time, fill in the blank)
• I need to do something.

So, what can we do to help abate these feelings? Many have discovered mindfulness to be our greatest internal resource for Stress reduction.
Learning how to practice mindfulness in times of stress is a valuable life skill. With the development of short moments of awareness, we can find a pause to reset. If we can remember to recognize that we have the ability to bring presence and ease to any circumstance, we are better able to reevaluate and respond rather than react. We begin to acknowledge that a great deal of our stress is perceived, assumed or forecasted. Finding moments where we can wake up from the ruminations and the predictions of our wanderings minds is our greatest tool for stress reduction.

Over time, the steady development of this mindful intervention gives rise to confidence and resilience in our own abilities to do well, and to do better. Each small victory becomes the seed for future possibilities, and we should feel encouraged by this. By grounding ourselves in presence, we develop the potential to respond, rather than to react.

Join the RGCF and the Junior League of El Paso as we host a special Mental Health Awareness and Wellness Series beginning August 10 at 6:00 PM with A Healthy Mind Through Your Five Senses. Space is limited to the first 20 attendants. Call 915-562-7660 to reserve your space.

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