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Men's Health Tip No. 7: Meditate, Man

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Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
  Rio Grande Cancer Foundation   2 min read 4 months ago

Men's Health Tip No. 7: Meditate, Man

Meditation can be beneficial to our emotional health. So why do some men quickly dismiss it? We have some ideas about that.

There is a myriad of reasons why some men dismiss meditation as a means to improve their mental and emotional health. Here are a few ‘excuses.’
• Fear of being alone with thoughts: Being alone with one's thoughts can feel uncomfortable.
• Fear of getting it wrong: People may be afraid of making a mistake or needing to ask for directions on how to meditate.
• Thinking it's a fad: Some people may think meditation is just a New Age fad.
• Thinking it's boring: Some people may find the idea of sitting still and trying to clear their mind to be boring.
• Thinking it's too hard: Some people may think it's too difficult to calm their mind.
• Thinking it takes too long to benefit: Some people may think it takes years to see the benefits of meditation.
• Lack of time: Some people may feel they don't have enough time in their busy lives.
• Thinking it will make them weaker: Some people may think meditation is a practice of spirituality that will make them weaker.

Excuses aside, meditation can have many benefits, including:Improving sleep quality, Strengthening the immune system, Improving work performance, Increasing productivity, and Reducing stress. And there is no way to do it wrong. Meditation can be practiced in many positions, including sitting, standing, walking, running, or lying down.

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