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Finding Help is just a click away

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Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
  Ted Escobedo   2 min read 7 years ago

Finding Help is just a click away

Bearing the burden of having a child being treated for cancer can be overwhelming.It can also take a financial toll on the family. Here are some programs that are designed to help parents during this time.They are offered by Candlelighters of El Paso,

Programs offered by Candlelighters

BUNDLE OF HOPE is designed specifically for newly diagnosed children.This duffel bag style care package includes comfort items such as a blanket, a stuffed animal and literature specific to the respective child’s form of cancer.It also includes pertinent items like a thermometer, pillbox, hot/cold pack, toiletries, a monthly planning journal and other miscellaneous items needed for daily care.

PRIZE BOX is a program through which we provide small toys, stuffed animals, etc., for clinical or traumatic procedures, birthdays, and other celebrations.

CARE-A-VAN is a shuttle service available to assist children and their families with local transportation.

EMERGENCY LIVING provides funds to families who are unable to cope with basic living expenses such as rent, utilities, auto repair, etc.

EMERGENCY MEAL VOUCHERS are provided for families to use at the hospital cafeteria while their child is hospitalized or on extended clinic visits.

EMERGENCY MEDICAL FUNDS are provided for families that require monetary assistance with wigs, personal care equipment, and prescription drugs.

EMERGENCY TRAVEL FUNDS are provided for families needing assistance with out-of-town transportation for medical treatment.

EMERGENCY FUNERAL FUNDS are available to assist families when their child has lost his or her battle with cancer.

FOOD PANTRY is a complete pantry of canned foods and staple items.In addition, funds are available for families to purchase perishable items. We are now a member of the West Texas Food Bank and can offer our families more than just staple items.

ADOPT-A-FAMILY is designed to help our families during the holidays.Families receive food and gifts in an attempt to preserve the sense of connection and joy traditionally associated with the Holidays.

SCHOLARSHIPS is a program offering financial assistance to cancer survivors whose education was interrupted or delayed by cancer.

Find out more about these programs:

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